Engagement at the
FORUM 2023
Under the auspices of ECOSOC
10-19 July 2023 New York
Discussion on Science, technology and innovation: Triggering transformation and sustaining a science driven recovery
The theme for the 2023 United Nations high-level political forum on sustainable development (HLPF) and ECOSOC is “Accelerating the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels”.
Was representing the UN Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) group and World Student Platform for Engineering Education Development (SPEED) at the HIGH-LEVEL POLITICAL FORUM this year
Bilateral Meeting with the German Mission , I raised an intervention about need for engagning more youth in Science policy, how do we get them to the decision making table. Discussed the importance of MGCY Sciene Policy Interface and SPEEDS crucial work on capicity building in Engineering education.
Bilateral meeting with the Sweden Mission, I raised an intervention about the need for funding for women in STEM and broadening participation of underrepresented groups like LGBTQI+ folks and POC in Science, thinking about possible pathways to advocate for the same at the global level
The first-ever Science Day to convene on the margins of the annual session of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) discussed strategies to ensure acceleration of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) implementation is as evidence-based, strategic, and effective as possible. The event brought together approximately 150 scientists and academics, civil society representatives, and national government and intergovernmental decision makers.
With other Youth Delegates and UN members who are working on Education (SD4) as a focus at the Zambia Mission New York
Met the Union Minister G Kishan Reddy with the UN MGCY team, He delivered the keynote address at UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)-High-Level Political Forum meeting. This meeting was in furtherance to the 'Goa Declaration' of the #G20 Ministers Meeting held under the Indian presidency.
At the discussion about Youth engagement for systemic transformation at the SDG-Summit: Implementing the Global Sustainable Development Report call to action organised by The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
At the first-ever in-person event hosted by the UN LGBTI Stakeholder Group at the UN. Discussed safe access to water, sanitation, housing, transportation, and public facilities for LGBTI communities
Bilateral meeting with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is one of the largest five regional commissions under the jurisdiction of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. I raised an intervention about the need for regional-level mechanisms to include youth in Technology/Scientific exchange at that level which have a socio-economic impact on micro and macro levels, especially when industry stakeholders are involved .
Attended the 2023 HLPF HESI Global Forum. The Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) is a partnership between several United Nations entities and the higher education community, currently chaired by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)
Youth Blast and HLPF preperatory meeting with the UN MGCY team members and other youth delageates from around the world